The course information as follows may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen
circumstances, or following review of the course at the end of the session. Queries about the course should be
directed to the course instructor.
课程名称 Course Title
遗传学 Genetics
Originating Department
生物系 Biology
Course Code
课程学分 Credit Value
Course Type
Major Core Courses(Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics)
春季 Spring / 夏季 Summer / 秋季 Fall
Teaching Language
中英双语 English & Chinese
Instructor(s), Affiliation&
For team teaching, please list
all instructors
黄鸿达 Hongda Huang
生物系 Department of Biology
Tutor/TA(s), Contact
待公布 To be announced
Maximum Enrolment
Delivery Method
OtherPlease specify
Credit Hours
4 期中考试,复习辅导讨论
(Mid-term Exam,
Pre-requisites or Other
Academic Requirements
Courses for which this course
is a pre-requisite
Genetics is the foundational course of Genetic engineering, Epigenetics, Systems
biology, Bioinformatics and other advanced subjects.
Cross-listing Dept.
教学大纲及教学日历 SYLLABUS
教学目标 Course Objectives
1, 让学生全面了解和掌握遗传学的基本规律。
2, 在学习的过程中启发学生发现问题,解决并分析问题。
3, 激发学生进一步学习生命科学的兴趣。
Course objectives:
1. Providing an understanding of the principles of genetics.
2. Improving the students’ problem solving skills.
3. To inspire students to further study biology.
预达学习成果 Learning Outcomes
1, 让学生全面了解和掌握遗传学的基本规律。
2, 在学习的过程中启发学生发现问题,解决并分析问题。
3, 激发学生进一步学习生命科学的兴趣。
1. Providing an understanding of the principles of genetics.
2. Improving the students’ problem solving skills.
3. To inspire students to further study biology.
4. The role of Genetics in society.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)
1. Genes are DNA 2hrs
Introduction; Genetics and Heredity; The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance; DNA is the genetic material; DNA is a
double helix; DNA replication is semi-conservative; Nucleic acids hybridize by base pairing; Mutations change the
sequence of DNA; Mutations are concentrated at hotspots; Recombination occurs by physical exchange of DNA; The
genetic code is triplet; The relationship between coding sequences and proteins; cis-acting sites and trans-acting
molecules; Genetic information can be provided by DNA or RNA; Introduction of prion.
2. From genes to genomes 2hrs
The nature of interrupted genes; Organization of interrupted genes may be conserved; Exon sequences are conserved
but introns vary; Genes can be isolated by the conservation of exons; Genes show a wide distribution of sizes; Some
DNA sequences code for more than one protein; How did interrupted genes evolve?
3. How many genes are there? 2hrs
Why are genomes so large? Eukaryotic genomes contain both nonrepetitive and repetitive DNA sequences; Most
structural genes lie in nonrepetitive DNA; Total gene number is known for several organisms; How many genes are
essential? How many genes are expressed? Organelles have DNA; Organelle genomes are circular DNAs that code for
organelle proteins; Mitochondrial DNA codes for few proteins; The chloroplast genome codes for ~100 proteins and
4. Clusters and repeats 2hrs
Gene clusters are formed by duplication and divergence; Sequence divergence is the basis for the evolutionary clock;
Pseudogenes are dead ends of evolution; Unequal crossing-over rearranges gene clusters; Genes for rRNA form
tandem repeats; The repeated genes for rRNA maintain constant sequence; Crossover fixation could maintain identical
repeats; Satellite DNAs often lie in heterochromatin; Arthropod satellites have very short identical repeats; Mammalian
satellites consist of hierarchical repeats; Minisatellites are useful for genetic mapping.
5. Messenger RNA 2hrs
Transfer RNA is the adapter; Messenger RNA is translated by ribosomes; The life cycle of bacterial messenger RNA;
Translation of eukaryotic mRNA; The 5’ end of eukaryotic mRNA is capped; The 3’ terminus is polyadenylated; Bacterial
mRNA degradation involves multiple enzymes; mRNA degradation involves multiple activities; Sequence elements may
destabilize mRNA; Nonsense mutations trigger a surveillance system.
6. Protein synthesis 2hrs
The stages of protein synthesis; Initiation in bacteria needs 30S subunits and accessory factors; A special initiator tRNA
starts the polypeptide chain; Initiation involves base pairing between mRNA and rRNA; Small subunits scan for initiation
sites on eukaryotic mRNA; Eukaryotes use a complex of many initiation factors; Elongation factor T loads aminoacyl-
tRNA into the A site; Translocation moves the ribosome; Three codons terminate protein synthesis; Ribosomes have
several active centers.
7. Using the genetic code 2.5hrs
Codon-anticodon recognition involves wobbling; tRNA contains modified bases that influence its pairing properties;
There are sporadic alterations of the universal code; tRNAs are charged with amino acids by synthetases; Accuracy
depends on proofreading; The accuracy of translation; tRNA may influence the reading frame.
8. Protein localization 1hrs
Chaperones may be required for protein folding; Post-translational membrane insertion depends on leader sequences; A
hierarchy of sequences determines location within organelles; Signal sequences initiate translocation; How do proteins
enter and leave membranes? Anchor signals are needed for membrane residence; Bacteria use both co-translational
and post-translational translocation; Pores are used for nuclear ingress and egress; Protein degradation by
9. Transcription 2.5hrs
Transcription is catalyzed by RNA polymerase; The transcription reaction has three stages; A stalled RNA polymerase
can restart; RNA polymerase consists of multiple subunits; RNA Polymerase consists of the core enzyme and sigma
factor; Sigma factor is released at initiation; Sigma factor controls binding to DNA; Promoter recognition depends on
consensus sequences; Promoter efficiencies can be increased or decreased by mutation; RNA polymerase binds to one
face of DNA; Supercoiling is an important feature of transcription; Substitution of sigma factors may control initiation;
Sigma factors may be organized into cascades; Sporulation is controlled by sigma factors; Bacterial RNA polymerase
has two modes of termination; There are two types of terminator in E. coli; How does rho factor work? Antitermination is
a regulatory event; Antitermination requires sites that are independent of the terminators.
10. The Operon 2.5hrs
Regulation can be negative or positive; Structural gene clusters are coordinately controlled; The lac genes are controlled
by a repressor; The lac operon can be induced; Repressor is controlled by a small molecule inducer; cis-acting
constitutive mutations identify the operator; trans-acting mutations identify the regulator gene; Multimeric proteins have
special genetic properties; Repressor protein binds to the operator; Binding of inducer releases repressor from the
operator; Repressor binds to three operators and interacts with RNA polymerase; Repressor is always bound to DNA;
The operator competes with low-affinity sites to bind repressor; Repression can occur at multiple loci; Distinguishing
positive and negative control; Catabolite repression involves the inducer cyclic AMP and the activator CAP; CAP
functions in different ways in different target operons; CAP bends DNA; The stringent response produces (p)ppGpp;
(p)ppGpp is produced by the ribosome; pGpp has many effects; Translation can be regulated; r-protein synthesis is
controlled by autogeneous regulation; Phage T4 p32 is controlled by an autogenous circuit; Autogenous regulation is
often used to control synthesis of macromolecular assemblies; Alternative secondary structures control attenuation; The
tryptophan operon is controlled by attenuation; Attenuation can be controlled by translation; Small RNA molecules can
regulate translation; Antisense RNA can be used to inactivate gene expression.
Mid-term exam 2hrs
11. Phage strategies 2hrs
Lytic development is divided into two periods; Lytic development is controlled by a cascade; Functional clustering in
phages T7 and T4; Lambda immediate early and delayed genes are needed for both lysogeny and the lytic cycle; The
lytic cycle depends on antitermination; Lysogeny is maintained by repressor protein; Repressor maintains an autogenous
circuit; The repressor and its operators define the immunity region; Repressor dimers bind cooperatively to the operator;
Repressor at OR2 interacts with RNA polymerase at PRM; The cII and cIII genes are needed to establish lysogeny; PRE
is a poor promoter that requires cII protein; Lysogeny requires several events; The cro repressor is needed for lytic
infection; What determines the balance between lysogenic and the lytic cycle?
12. The replicon 2hrs
Replicons can be linear or circular; Origins can be mapped by autoradiography and electrophoresis; The bacterial
genome is a single circular replicon; Each eukaryotic chromosome contains many replicons; Isolating the origins of yeast
replicons; D loops maintain mitochondrial origins; The problem of linear replicons; Rolling circles produce multimers of a
replicon; Rolling circles are used to replicate phage genomes; The F plasmid is transferred by conjugation between
bacteria; Conjugation transfers single-stranded DNA; Connecting bacterial replication to the cell cycle; Cell division and
chromosome segregation; The division apparatus consists of cytoskeletal and regulatory components; Partitioning
involves membrane attachment and (possibly) a motor; Multiple systems ensure plasmid survival in bacterial
populations; Plasmid incompatibility is determined by the replicon; The ColE1 compatibility system is controlled by an
RNA regulator.
13. DNA replication 2hrs
DNA polymerases are the enzymes that make DNA; DNA synthesis is semidiscontinuous; Coordinating synthesis of the
lagging and leading strands; The replication apparatus of phage T4; Creating the replication forks at an origin; Common
events in priming replication at the origin; Does methylation at the origin regulate initiation? Licensing factor controls
eukaryotic replication.
14. Recombination and repair 2hrs
Breakage and reunion involves heteroduplex DNA; Double-strand breaks initiate recombination; Bacterial recombination
involves single-strand assimilation; Gene conversion accounts for interallelic recombination; Topological manipulation of
DNA; Specialized recombination involves breakage and reunion at specific sites; Repair systems correct damage to
DNA; Excision repair systems in E. coli; Controlling the direction of mismatch repair; Retrieval systems in E. coli; RecA
triggers the SOS system; Eukaryotic repair systems.
15. Transposons 2hrs
Insertion sequences are simple transposition modules; Composite transposons have IS modules; Transposition occurs
by both replicative and nonreplicative mechanisms; Transposons cause rearrangement of DNA; Replicative transposition
proceeds through a cointegrate; Nonreplicative transposition proceeds by breakage and reunion; TnA transposition
requires transposase and resolvase; Transposition of Tn10 has multiple controls; Controlling elements in maize cause
breakage and rearrangements; Controlling elements form families of transposons; Spm elements influence gene
expression; P elements are activated in the germline.
16. Rearrangement of DNA 2hrs
The mating pathway is triggered by pheromone-receptor interactions; The mating response activates a G protein; Yeast
can switch silent and active loci for mating type; The MAT locus codes for regulator proteins; Silent cassettes at HML
and HMR are repressed; Unidirectional transposition is initiated by the recipient MAT locus; Regulation of HO
expression; Trypanosomes switch the VSG frequently during infection; New VSG sequences are generated by gene
switching; VSG genes have an unusual structure; The bacterial Ti plasmid causes crown gall disease in plants; T-DNA
carries genes required for infection; Transfer of T-DNA resembles bacterial conjugation; Selection of amplified genomic
sequences; Transfection introduces exogenous DNA into cells; Genes can be injected into animal eggs; ES cells can be
incorporated into embryonic mice; Gene targeting allows genes to be replaced or knocked out.
17. Chromosomes 2.5hrs
Condensing viral genomes into their coats; The bacterial genome is a nucleoid; The bacterial genome is supercoiled;
Loops, domains, and scaffolds in eukaryotic DNA; Specific sequence attach DNA to the matrix; The contrast between
interphase chromatin and mitotic chromosomes; Lampbrush chromosomes are extended; Polytene chromosomes form
bands; Polytene chromosomes expand at sites of gene expression; The eukaryotic chromosome is a segregation device;
Centromeres have short DNA sequences in S. cerevisiae; Centromeres may contain repetitious DNA; Telomeres are
simple repeats that seal the ends of chromosomes; Telomeres are synthesized by a ribonucleoprotein enzyme.
18. Nucleosomes 2.5hrs
The nucleosome is the subunit of all chromatin; DNA is coiled in arrays of nucleosomes; Nucleosomes have a common
structure; DNA structure varies on the nucleosomal surface; Supercoiling and the periodicity of DNA; The path of
nucleosomes in the chromatin fiber; Organization of the histone octamer; Histones are modified; Reproduction of
chromatin requires assembly of nucleosomes; Do nucleosomes lie at specific positions?; Are transcribed genes
organized in nucleosomes? Histone octamers are displaced by transcription; DNAase hypersensitive sites change
chromatin structure; Domains define regions that contain active genes; Heterochromatin propagates from a nucleation
event; Heterochromatin depends on interactions with histones; X chromosomes undergo global changes; Chromosome
condensation is caused by condensins; Methylation is perpetuated by a maintenance methylase; Methylation is
responsible for imprinting; Epigenetic effects can be inherited; Yeast prions show unusual inheritance; Prions cause
diseases in mammals.
19. Initiation of transcription 2hrs
Eukaryotic RNA polymerases consist of many subunits; Promoter elements are defined by mutations and footprinting;
RNA polymerase I has a bipartite promoter; RNA polymerase III uses both downstream and upstream promoters; The
startpoint for RNA polymerase II; TBP is a universal factor; TBP binds DNA in an unusual way; The basal apparatus
assembles at the promoter; Initiation is followed by promoter clearance; A connection between transcription and repair;
Promoters for RNA polymerase II have short sequence elements; Some promoter-binding proteins are repressors;
Enhancers contain bidirectional elements that assist initiation; Independent domains bind DNA and activate transcription;
The two hybrid assay detects protein-protein interactions; Interaction of upstream factors with the basal apparatus.
20. Regulation of transcription 2hrs
Response elements identify genes under common regulation; There are many types of DNA-binding domains; A zinc
finger motif is a DNA-binding domain; Steroid receptors are transcription factors; Steroid receptors have zinc fingers;
Binding to the response element is activated by ligand-binding; Steroid receptors recognize response elements by a
combinatorial code; Homeodomains bind related targets in DNA; Helix-loop-helix proteins interact by combinatorial
association; Leucine zippers are involved in dimer formation; Transcription initiation requires changes in chromatin
structure; Chromatin remodeling is an active process; Activation of transcription requires changes in nucleosome
organization at the promoter; Histone acetylation and deacetylation control chromatin activity; Polycomb and trithorax are
antagonistic repressors and activators; An LCR may control a domain; Insulators block enhancer actions; Insulators can
vary in strength; A domain has several types of elements; Gene expression is associated with demethylation ; CpG
islands are regulatory targets.
21. Cell cycle And growth regulation 2.5hrs
Cycle progression depends on discrete control points; Checkpoints occur throughout the cell cycle; Cell fusion
experiments identify cell cycle inducers; M phase kinase regulates entry into mitosis; M phase kinase is a dimer of a
catalytic subunit and a regulatory cyclin; Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation control the cell cycle; Cdc2 is
the key regulator in yeasts; Cdc2 is the catalytic subunit of mitotic cyclins and G1 cyclins; Cdc2 activity is controlled by
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation; DNA damage triggers a checkpoint; CDC28 acts at both START and mitosis in
S. cerevisiae; The animal cell cycle is controlled by many cdk-cyclin complexes; G0/G1 and G1/S transitions involve cdk
inhibitors; Protein degradation is important in mitosis; Cohesins hold sister chromatids together; Exit from mitosis is
controlled by the location of Cdc14; Reorganization of the cell at mitosis.
Tutorial/Revision/Discussion (2 hrs)
教材及其它参考资料 Textbook and Supplementary Readings
Type of
% of final
出勤 Attendance
课程项目 Projects
Mid-Term Test
Final Exam
Others (The
above may be
modified as
A. 十三级等级制 Letter Grading
B. 二级记分制(通过/不通过) Pass/Fail Grading
This Course has been approved by the following person or committee of authority
This Course has been approved by Undergraduate Teaching Steering Committee of Department of Biology.