Pre-requisites or Other
Academic Requirements
BIO102A 普通生物学 General Biology
Courses for which this course
is a pre-requisite
本课程 为生物系专 业核心课,是 BIO208 细胞生 物学实验、 BIO302 现代生物技术 、
BIO304 系统生物学的先选课程;高级细胞生物学、干细胞与再生生物学、分子药理学、
This course is a core course in biology, a prerequisite course in Cell Biology Laboratory,
Modern Biotechnology, and Systems Biology; a pre-requisite course of Advanced Cell
Biology, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Molecular Pharmacology, Immunology; It
should however also be suitable for non-specialists, i.e. for all those medical students to
gain a certain amount of familiarity.
Cross-listing Dept.
细胞生物学是生物化学,遗传学及分子生物学在细胞水平的整合,目的是: 1. 了解细胞中几种重要大分子包括 DNA,
RNA,蛋白质,脂类及它们所构成的功能复合物的结构,及其在生命活动中的重要功能; 2. 细胞中各种亚细胞器的结构功
能, 认识它们在执行各项生命活动中的协调关系;3.掌握细胞的各项有序生命活动,如物质运输,细胞周期,细胞通讯的
基本原理; 4.了解细胞死亡,癌变的成因, 治疗机制; 5. 细胞骨架结构功能,细胞外基质与细胞之间的相互联系,细胞如
何整合为组织;6.了解干细胞及神经细胞等细胞生物学一些前沿领域。 结合研究实例,掌握细胞生物学各个研究领域的重
要发现。 同时通过讲解目前一些常用的细胞生物学研究方法, 让学生理解细胞生物学的研究内容、研究方法和研究思路。
Cell Biology is the integration of several basic subjects such as biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology on the level
of cell. The aim is to: 1. Understand the basic structures and functions for biomolecules as well as their complexes
including RNA/DNA, protein, lipid in cells. 2. Learn various cellular organelles and their structures as well as functions. 3.
Learn the basic concepts in molecular transport, cell communication, cell cycle and cell growth. 4. Understand principles
for cell death, cancer development as well as cancer treatment. 5. Learn the structure and function for cytoskeleton,
understand how cells integrate into tissues and the composition and function of extracellular matrix. 6. Know some basic
concepts for stem cell research and neurobiology. Finally, through the introduction of common experimental methods and
classical experiments in Cell Biology, let the students understand the basic research methodology and rationales behind
research designing.
学生会对细胞有一个系统的了解。 这主要包括:细胞的结构和功能;细胞生物学的研究方法;膜生物化学及小分子运输;
Students will have a systematic understanding for cell, covering the following aspects: cell structure and function,
methodology to study cell biology, membrane biochemistry and transport, protein sorting and trafficking, cell-cell
communication/signalling, cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, cell cycle, cell death, cancer biology.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)