1. 无菌技术和生物安全柜的使用;
2. 虚拟 BSL-2 级实验室防护和操作规范;
3. 虚拟 BSL-3 级实验室防护和操作规范,以及危险病毒样品意外泄露的处理模拟;
4. 虚拟 ABSL-3 级实验室漫游。
No.3 Biological safety 4h
This lecture will introduce students to biological hazard, the classification of bacterial (viral) strains and specimens
governed by the Catalogue of Pathogenic Microorganisms in China, Biosafety Levels, biological waste disposal,
professional laboratory behavior and personal protection in BSL-2 and BSL-3 labs. Students will learn how to handle
infectious substances in BSL-2, BSL-3 labs through virtual simulation experiment and aseptic technology.
Laboratory activities:
1. Aseptic technique and biological safety cabinet operation
2. Professional laboratory behavior and personal protection in BSL-2 & BSL-3 labs (virtual simulation experiments)
3. Visit ABSL-3 Laboratory (virtual simulation experiment)
第四次课 设施设备的使用 4h
No. 4 Proper use of equipment 4h
This lecture will introduce students to general safety rule of equipment, especially heating machine and pressure
equipment. Students will learn to properly use alcohol burner, electric stove, forced convection oven/drying oven, gas
cylinders, liquid nitrogen, autoclaves and centrifuge.
Laboratory activities: how to operate these equipments.
第五次课 辐射安全 4h
No.5 Radiation safety 4h
This lecture will focus on radiation from radionuclides most commonly used in lab. The content includes storage and
transportation of radioactive materials, disposal of radioactive waste materials, proper precautions while handling
radioactive materials and accidental spills (including contamination of working areas and pipettes with radioactive
Laboratory activities: how to handle radioactive materials (simulation experiments).