plotthis plotthis website

plotthis is an R package that is built upon ggplot2 and other plotting packages. It provides high-level APIs and a wide range of options to create stunning, publication-quality plots effortlessly.


# or to install the latest version:

You can also install the package using conda:

$ conda install pwwang::r-plotthis


plotthis is greatly inspired by the SCP package, but with the plotting functions detached from the Seurat object or single-cell data analysis. It is designed to be more flexible and general-purpose, and can be used for a wide range of data types and analysis scenarios.

AreaPlot / TrendPlot / ROCCurve

ClustreePlot / LinePlot / Network


CorPlot / CorPairsPlot

PieChart / RingPlot / QQPlot

VolcanoPlot / WordCloudPlot

BarPlot / SplitBarPlot

BoxPlot / ViolinPlot

ChordPlot / UpsetPlot / VennDiagram

DensityPlot / Histogram / RidgePlot

DimPlot / FeatureDimPlot

DotPlot / ScatterPlot / LollipopPlot

EnrichMap / EnrichNetwork

GSEASummaryPlot / GSEAPlot

RadarPlot / SpiderPlot / RarefactionPlot

SankeyPlot / AlluvialPlot