REDCapCAST 24.11.2

24.11.1 was rejected on CRAN based on wrong title capitalisation. This was an opportunity to extend the package overhaul. And this actually turned out to be a major step towards a very usable shiny app which have received most of the focus.

I have implemented option to specify categorical variables to factorize, but doing this with a modified version of {forcats} and {haven}’s as_factor(), that will preserve any attributes applied to the data to be able to upload and cast REDCap meta data from richly formatted data (use .rds). No matter the input type, all input is parsed using the default options from the {readr} package. Also to avoid mis-labelling, logicals are converted to factors as REDCap truefalse class follows different naming conversion compared to R. Also correct support for variable labels as field labels (use .rds formatted data and label with labelled::var_label())

Vignettes and documentation have been restructured.

This package has been detached from the REDCapRITS, which it was originally forked from. The data split function will be kept, while testing will be rewritten. This projects has evolved away from the original fork.

REDCapCAST 24.11.1

Revised tests.

Documentation has been slightly updated to highlight the shiny app for casting REDCap metadata. I am working on hosting my own Shiny Server.



The shiny implementation is included with this package. Implementing in shinylive may be looked into again later.

REDCapCAST 24.10.3

Updated links and spelling.

REDCapCAST 24.10.1

Minor changes to pass tests and renv is out. rhub is really not running as smooth as previously.

REDCapCAST 24.6.1


Documentation and more

REDCapCAST 24.2.1



I believe renv has now been added and runs correctly. After clone, do renv::restore() to install all necessary package to modify the package. This seems to always be back and forth. renv may be on its way out again.

Added a Code of Conduct.

REDCapCAST 24.1.1


REDCapCAST 23.12.1

One new function to ease secure dataset retrieval and a few bug fixes.


REDCapCAST 23.6.2

This version marks the introduction of a few helper functions to handle database creation.


REDCapCAST 23.6.1


REDCapCAST 23.4.1


REDCapCAST 23.3.2


REDCapCAST 23.3.1

New name: REDCapCAST

To reflect new functions and the limitation to only working in R, I have changed the naming of the fork, while still, of course, maintaining the status as a fork.

The versioning has moved to a monthly naming convention.

The main goal this package is to keep the option to only export a defined subset of the whole dataset from the REDCap server as is made possible through the REDCapR::redcap_read() function, and combine it with the work put into the REDCapRITS package and the handling of longitudinal projects and/or projects with repeated instruments.

