# The strategy is to only export to PARENT_SCOPE # # - changes to LIB_LIST # - includes via include_directories # # and keep everything else private include_directories(.) # configure or find systemd library set(LIB_SYSTEMD_LIBRARIES CACHE PATH "Path to the libsystemd library") if ("${LWS_SYSTEMD_LIBRARIES}" STREQUAL "") if (NOT LIB_SYSTEMD_FOUND) find_path(LIBSYSTEMD_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES systemd/sd-event.h) find_library(LIBSYSTEMD_LIBRARIES NAMES systemd) endif() else() set(LIBSYSTEMD_LIBRARIES ${LWS_SYSTEMD_LIBRARIES}) set(LIBSYSTEMD_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LWS_LIBSYSTEMD_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() message("libsystemd include dir: ${LIBSYSTEMD_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message("libsystemd libraries: ${LIBSYSTEMD_LIBRARIES}") if (LWS_WITH_EVLIB_PLUGINS) create_evlib_plugin( evlib_sd sdevent.c private-lib-event-libs-sdevent.h ${LIBSYSTEMD_LIBRARIES} ) else() list(APPEND LIB_LIST ${LIBSYSTEMD_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND SOURCES event-libs/sdevent/sdevent.c) endif() # # Keep explicit parent scope exports at end # exports_to_parent_scope()