libtracefs(3) ============= NAME ---- tracefs_filter_string_append, tracefs_filter_string_verify, tracefs_event_filter_apply, tracefs_event_filter_clear - Add, verify and apply event filters SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] -- *#include * int *tracefs_filter_string_append*(struct tep_event pass:[*]_event_, char pass:[**]_filter_, struct tracefs_filter _type_, const char pass:[*]_field_, enum tracefs_synth_compare _compare_, const char pass:[*]_val_); int *tracefs_filter_string_verify*(struct tep_event pass:[*]_event_, const char pass:[*]_filter_, char pass:[**]_err_); int *tracefs_event_filter_apply*(struct tracefs_instance pass:[*]_instance_, struct tep_event pass:[*]_event_, const char pass:[*]_filter_); int *tracefs_event_filter_clear*(struct tracefs_instance pass:[*]_instance_, struct tep_event pass:[*]_event_); -- DESCRIPTION ----------- *tracefs_filter_string_append*() is a way to create and verify event filters for a given event. It will verify that the _field_ belongs to the event and that the _compare_ option that is used is valid for the type of the field, as well as _val_. For the _type_ that is not of *TRACEFS_FILTER_COMPARE*, it will build the logical string and also make sure that the syntax is correct. For example, there are no more close parenthesis than open parenthesis. An AND (&&) or OR (||) is not misplaced, etc. *tracefs_synth_append_start_filter*() creates a filter or appends to it for the starting event. Depending on _type_, it will build a string of tokens for parenthesis or logic statemens, or it may add a comparison of _field_ to _val_ based on _compare_. If _type_ is: *TRACEFS_FILTER_COMPARE* - See below *TRACEFS_FILTER_AND* - Append "&&" to the filter *TRACEFS_FILTER_OR* - Append "||" to the filter *TRACEFS_FILTER_NOT* - Append "!" to the filter *TRACEFS_FILTER_OPEN_PAREN* - Append "(" to the filter *TRACEFS_FILTER_CLOSE_PAREN* - Append ")" to the filter _field_, _compare_, and _val_ are ignored unless _type_ is equal to *TRACEFS_FILTER_COMPARE*, then _compare will be used for the following: *TRACEFS_COMPARE_EQ* - _field_ == _val_ *TRACEFS_COMPARE_NE* - _field_ != _val_ *TRACEFS_COMPARE_GT* - _field_ > _val_ *TRACEFS_COMPARE_GE* - _field_ >= _val_ *TRACEFS_COMPARE_LT* - _field_ < _val_ *TRACEFS_COMPARE_LE* - _field_ #include #include #include static void usage(char **argv) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [system] event filter\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct tep_handle *tep; struct tep_event *event; const char *system = NULL; const char *event_name; const char *filter; char *new_filter = NULL; char *err = NULL; int i; if (argc < 3) usage(argv); if (argc < 4) { event_name = argv[1]; filter = argv[2]; } else { system = argv[1]; event_name = argv[2]; filter = argv[3]; } /* Load all events from the system */ tep = tracefs_local_events(NULL); if (!tep) { perror("tep"); exit(-1); } event = tep_find_event_by_name(tep, system, event_name); if (!event) { fprintf(stderr, "Event %s%s%s not found\n", system ? system : "" , system ? " " : "", event_name); exit(-1); } if (tracefs_filter_string_verify(event, filter, &err) < 0) { perror("tracecfs_event_verify_filter"); if (err) fprintf(stderr, "%s", err); free(err); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; filter[i]; i++) { char buf[strlen(filter)]; char *field = NULL; char *val = NULL; enum tracefs_filter type; enum tracefs_compare compare = 0; int start_i, n; int quote; bool backslash; while (isspace(filter[i])) i++; switch(filter[i]) { case '(': type = TRACEFS_FILTER_OPEN_PAREN; break; case ')': type = TRACEFS_FILTER_CLOSE_PAREN; break; case '!': type = TRACEFS_FILTER_NOT; break; case '&': type = TRACEFS_FILTER_AND; i++; break; case '|': type = TRACEFS_FILTER_OR; i++; break; default: type = TRACEFS_FILTER_COMPARE; while (isspace(filter[i])) i++; start_i = i; for (; filter[i]; i++) { switch(filter[i]) { case 'a' ... 'z': case 'A' ... 'Z': case '0' ... '9': case '_': continue; } break; } n = i - start_i; field = buf; strncpy(field, filter + start_i, n); field[n++] = '\0'; val = buf + n; while (isspace(filter[i])) i++; start_i = i; switch(filter[i++]) { case '>': compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_GT; if (filter[i] == '=') { i++; compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_GE; } break; case '<': compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_LT; if (filter[i] == '=') { i++; compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_LE; } break; case '=': compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_EQ; i++; break; case '!': compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_NE; i++; break; case '~': compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_RE; break; case '&': compare = TRACEFS_COMPARE_AND; break; } while (isspace(filter[i])) i++; quote = 0; backslash = false; start_i = i; for (; filter[i]; i++) { if (quote) { if (backslash) backslash = false; else if (filter[i] == '\\') backslash = true; else if (filter[i] == quote) quote = 0; continue; } switch(filter[i]) { case '"': case '\'': quote = filter[i]; continue; case 'a' ... 'z': case 'A' ... 'Z': case '0' ... '9': case '_': continue; } break; } n = i - start_i; strncpy(val, filter + start_i, n); val[n] = '\0'; break; } n = tracefs_filter_string_append(event, &new_filter, type, field, compare, val); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed making new filter:\n'%s'\n", new_filter ? new_filter : "(null)"); exit(-1); } } if (tracefs_event_filter_apply(NULL, event, new_filter)) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to apply filter on event"); tep_free(tep); printf("Created new filter: '%s'\n", new_filter); free(new_filter); exit(0); } -- FILES ----- [verse] -- *tracefs.h* Header file to include in order to have access to the library APIs. *-ltracefs* Linker switch to add when building a program that uses the library. -- SEE ALSO -------- *libtracefs*(3), *libtraceevent*(3), *trace-cmd*(1), *tracefs_hist_alloc*(3), *tracefs_hist_alloc_2d*(3), *tracefs_hist_alloc_nd*(3), *tracefs_hist_free*(3), *tracefs_hist_add_key*(3), *tracefs_hist_add_value*(3), *tracefs_hist_add_name*(3), *tracefs_hist_start*(3), *tracefs_hist_destory*(3), *tracefs_hist_add_sort_key*(3), *tracefs_hist_sort_key_direction*(3) AUTHOR ------ [verse] -- *Steven Rostedt* *Tzvetomir Stoyanov* *sameeruddin shaik* -- REPORTING BUGS -------------- Report bugs to LICENSE ------- libtracefs is Free Software licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1 RESOURCES --------- COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2020 VMware, Inc. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).