libtraceevent(3) ================ NAME ---- tep_find_function,tep_find_function_address,tep_find_function_info - Find function name / start address. SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] -- *#include * const char pass:[*]*tep_find_function*(struct tep_handle pass:[*]_tep_, unsigned long long _addr_); unsigned long long *tep_find_function_address*(struct tep_handle pass:[*]_tep_, unsigned long long _addr_); int *tep_find_function_info*(struct tep_handle pass:[*]_tep_, unsigned long long _addr_, const char pass:[**]_name_, unsigned long long pass:[*]_start_, unsigned long pass:[*]_size_); -- DESCRIPTION ----------- These functions can be used to find function name and start address, by given address. The given address does not have to be exact, it will select the function that would contain it. The *tep_find_function()* function returns the function name, which contains the given address _addr_. The _tep_ argument is the trace event parser context. The *tep_find_function_address()* function returns the function start address, by given address _addr_. The _addr_ does not have to be exact, it will select the function that would contain it. The _tep_ argument is the trace event parser context. The *tep_find_function_info()* function retrieves the _name_, starting address (_start_), and the function text _size_ of the function at _address_, if it is found. Note, if the _tep_ handle has a function resolver (used by perf), then _size_ is set to zero. RETURN VALUE ------------ The *tep_find_function()* function returns the function name, or NULL in case it cannot be found. The *tep_find_function_address()* function returns the function start address, or 0 in case it cannot be found. The *tep_find_function_info()* function returns 1 if a function is found for the given address, or 0 if it is not. EXAMPLE ------- [source,c] -- #include ... struct tep_handle *tep = tep_alloc(); ... void show_function_name(unsigned long long addr) { const char *fname = tep_find_function(tep, addr); if (fname) printf("Found function %s at 0x%0llx\n", fname, addr); else printf("No function found at 0x%0llx\n", addr); } void show_function_start_addr(unsigned long long addr) { const char *fname = tep_find_function(tep, addr); unsigned long long fstart; if (!fname) { printf("No function found at 0x%0llx\n", addr); return; } fstart = tep_find_function_address(tep, addr); printf("Function %s at 0x%llx starts at 0x%0llx\n", fname, addr, fstart); } void show_function_info(unsigned long long addr) { const char *fname; unsigned long long fstart; unsigned long size; ret = tep_find_function_info(tep, addr, &fname, &fstart, &size); if (!ret) { printf("No function found at 0x%0lx\n", addr); return; } printf("Function %s at 0x%lx starts at 0x%0lx and is %ld in size\n", fname, addr, fstart, size); } ... -- FILES ----- [verse] -- *event-parse.h* Header file to include in order to have access to the library APIs. *-ltraceevent* Linker switch to add when building a program that uses the library. -- SEE ALSO -------- *libtraceevent*(3), *trace-cmd*(1) AUTHOR ------ [verse] -- *Steven Rostedt* , author of *libtraceevent*. *Tzvetomir Stoyanov* , author of this man page. -- REPORTING BUGS -------------- Report bugs to LICENSE ------- libtraceevent is Free Software licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1 RESOURCES ---------