File | API | ICU 73 | ICU 74 |
File | API | ICU 73 | ICU 74 |
File | API | ICU 73 | ICU 74 |
displayoptions.h | Builder icu::DisplayOptions::copyToBuilder() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setCapitalization(UDisplayOptionsCapitalization) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setDisplayLength(UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setGrammaticalCase(UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setNameStyle(UDisplayOptionsNameStyle) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setNounClass(UDisplayOptionsNounClass) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setPluralCategory(UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setSubstituteHandling(UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | DisplayOptions icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::build() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | DisplayOptions& icu::DisplayOptions::operator=(DisplayOptions&&)=default | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | DisplayOptions& icu::DisplayOptions::operator=(const DisplayOptions&)=default | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsCapitalization icu::DisplayOptions::getCapitalization() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength icu::DisplayOptions::getDisplayLength() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase icu::DisplayOptions::getGrammaticalCase() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsNameStyle icu::DisplayOptions::getNameStyle() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsNounClass icu::DisplayOptions::getNounClass() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory icu::DisplayOptions::getPluralCategory() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling icu::DisplayOptions::getSubstituteHandling() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | icu::DisplayOptions::DisplayOptions(const DisplayOptions&)=default | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | static Builder icu::DisplayOptions::builder() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
formattednumber.h | UDisplayOptionsNounClass icu::number::FormattedNumber::getNounClass(UErrorCode&) const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit icu::MeasureUnit::getQuarter() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit icu::MeasureUnit::getTonne() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit* icu::MeasureUnit::createQuarter(UErrorCode&) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit* icu::MeasureUnit::createTonne(UErrorCode&) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
numberformatter.h | Derived icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::displayOptions(const DisplayOptions&) const& | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
numberformatter.h | Derived icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::displayOptions(const DisplayOptions&)&& | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase udispopt_fromGrammaticalCaseIdentifier(const char*) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsNounClass udispopt_fromNounClassIdentifier(const char*) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory udispopt_fromPluralCategoryIdentifier(const char*) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | const char* udispopt_getGrammaticalCaseIdentifier(UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | const char* udispopt_getNounClassIdentifier(UDisplayOptionsNounClass) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | const char* udispopt_getPluralCategoryIdentifier(UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_MIDDLE_OF_SENTENCE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_STANDALONE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_UI_LIST_OR_MENU | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength::UDISPOPT_DISPLAY_LENGTH_FULL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength::UDISPOPT_DISPLAY_LENGTH_SHORT | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength::UDISPOPT_DISPLAY_LENGTH_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_ABLATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_ACCUSATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_COMITATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_DATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_ERGATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_GENITIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_INSTRUMENTAL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_LOCATIVE_COPULATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_LOCATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_NOMINATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_OBLIQUE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_PREPOSITIONAL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_SOCIATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_VOCATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNameStyle::UDISPOPT_NAME_STYLE_DIALECT_NAMES | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNameStyle::UDISPOPT_NAME_STYLE_STANDARD_NAMES | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNameStyle::UDISPOPT_NAME_STYLE_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_ANIMATE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_COMMON | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_FEMININE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_INANIMATE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_MASCULINE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_NEUTER | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_OTHER | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_PERSONAL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_FEW | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_MANY | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_ONE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_OTHER | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_TWO | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_ZERO | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling::UDISPOPT_SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING_NO_SUBSTITUTE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling::UDISPOPT_SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING_SUBSTITUTE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling::UDISPOPT_SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
unum.h | bool unum_hasAttribute(const UNumberFormat*, UNumberFormatAttribute) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
File | API | ICU 73 | ICU 74 | |
displayoptions.h | Builder icu::DisplayOptions::copyToBuilder() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setCapitalization(UDisplayOptionsCapitalization) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setDisplayLength(UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setGrammaticalCase(UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setNameStyle(UDisplayOptionsNameStyle) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setNounClass(UDisplayOptionsNounClass) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setPluralCategory(UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | Builder& icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::setSubstituteHandling(UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | DisplayOptions icu::DisplayOptions::Builder::build() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | DisplayOptions& icu::DisplayOptions::operator=(DisplayOptions&&)=default | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | DisplayOptions& icu::DisplayOptions::operator=(const DisplayOptions&)=default | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsCapitalization icu::DisplayOptions::getCapitalization() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength icu::DisplayOptions::getDisplayLength() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase icu::DisplayOptions::getGrammaticalCase() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsNameStyle icu::DisplayOptions::getNameStyle() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsNounClass icu::DisplayOptions::getNounClass() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory icu::DisplayOptions::getPluralCategory() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling icu::DisplayOptions::getSubstituteHandling() const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | icu::DisplayOptions::DisplayOptions(const DisplayOptions&)=default | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
displayoptions.h | static Builder icu::DisplayOptions::builder() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
formattednumber.h | UDisplayOptionsNounClass icu::number::FormattedNumber::getNounClass(UErrorCode&) const | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit icu::MeasureUnit::getQuarter() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit icu::MeasureUnit::getTonne() | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit* icu::MeasureUnit::createQuarter(UErrorCode&) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit* icu::MeasureUnit::createTonne(UErrorCode&) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
numberformatter.h | Derived icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::displayOptions(const DisplayOptions&) const& | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
numberformatter.h | Derived icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::displayOptions(const DisplayOptions&)&& | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
uchar.h | enum UBlockCode::UBLOCK_CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_I | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_AKSARA_PREBASE | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_AKSARA_START | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_AKSARA | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_VIRAMA_FINAL | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_VIRAMA | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
udisplayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase udispopt_fromGrammaticalCaseIdentifier(const char*) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsNounClass udispopt_fromNounClassIdentifier(const char*) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory udispopt_fromPluralCategoryIdentifier(const char*) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | const char* udispopt_getGrammaticalCaseIdentifier(UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | const char* udispopt_getNounClassIdentifier(UDisplayOptionsNounClass) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | const char* udispopt_getPluralCategoryIdentifier(UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_MIDDLE_OF_SENTENCE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_STANDALONE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_UI_LIST_OR_MENU | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsCapitalization::UDISPOPT_CAPITALIZATION_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength::UDISPOPT_DISPLAY_LENGTH_FULL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength::UDISPOPT_DISPLAY_LENGTH_SHORT | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength::UDISPOPT_DISPLAY_LENGTH_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_ABLATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_ACCUSATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_COMITATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_DATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_ERGATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_GENITIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_INSTRUMENTAL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_LOCATIVE_COPULATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_LOCATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_NOMINATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_OBLIQUE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_PREPOSITIONAL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_SOCIATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase::UDISPOPT_GRAMMATICAL_CASE_VOCATIVE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNameStyle::UDISPOPT_NAME_STYLE_DIALECT_NAMES | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNameStyle::UDISPOPT_NAME_STYLE_STANDARD_NAMES | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNameStyle::UDISPOPT_NAME_STYLE_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_ANIMATE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_COMMON | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_FEMININE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_INANIMATE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_MASCULINE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_NEUTER | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_OTHER | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_PERSONAL | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsNounClass::UDISPOPT_NOUN_CLASS_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_FEW | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_MANY | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_ONE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_OTHER | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_TWO | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory::UDISPOPT_PLURAL_CATEGORY_ZERO | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling::UDISPOPT_SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING_NO_SUBSTITUTE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling::UDISPOPT_SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING_SUBSTITUTE | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
udisplayoptions.h | enum UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling::UDISPOPT_SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING_UNDEFINED | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
unum.h | bool unum_hasAttribute(const UNumberFormat*, UNumberFormatAttribute) | Draft→Stable ICU 72 |
File | API | ICU 73 | ICU 74 | |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit icu::MeasureUnit::getGasolineEnergyDensity() | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit* icu::MeasureUnit::createGasolineEnergyDensity(UErrorCode&) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
measure.h | bool icu::Measure::operator!=(const UObject&) const | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
normalizer2.h | static const Normalizer2* icu::Normalizer2::getNFKCSimpleCasefoldInstance(UErrorCode&) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
rbbi.h | bool icu::ExternalBreakEngine::handles(UChar32) const | (missing) | Internal ICU 74 |
rbbi.h | bool icu::ExternalBreakEngine::isFor(UChar32, const char*) const | (missing) | Internal ICU 74 |
rbbi.h | icu::ExternalBreakEngine::~ExternalBreakEngine() | (missing) | Internal ICU 74 |
rbbi.h | int32_t icu::ExternalBreakEngine::fillBreaks(UText*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t*, int32_t, UErrorCode&) const | (missing) | Internal ICU 74 |
rbbi.h | static void icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::registerExternalBreakEngine(ExternalBreakEngine*, UErrorCode&) | (missing) | Internal ICU 74 |
timezone.h | static UnicodeString& icu::TimeZone::getIanaID(const UnicodeString&, UnicodeString&, UErrorCode&) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ucal.h | int32_t ucal_getIanaTimeZoneID(const UChar*, int32_t, UChar*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uchar.h | enum UBlockCode::UBLOCK_CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_I | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_AKSARA_PREBASE | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_AKSARA_START | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_AKSARA | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_VIRAMA_FINAL | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum ULineBreak::U_LB_VIRAMA | (missing) | Stable ICU 74 | (Born Stable) |
uchar.h | enum UProperty::UCHAR_IDS_UNARY_OPERATOR | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uchar.h | enum UProperty::UCHAR_ID_COMPAT_MATH_CONTINUE | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uchar.h | enum UProperty::UCHAR_ID_COMPAT_MATH_START | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | UEnumeration* ulocale_getKeywords(const ULocale*, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | UEnumeration* ulocale_getUnicodeKeywords(const ULocale*, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | ULocale* ulocale_openForLanguageTag(const char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | ULocale* ulocale_openForLocaleID(const char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | bool ulocale_isBogus(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | const char* ulocale_getBaseName(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | const char* ulocale_getLanguage(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | const char* ulocale_getLocaleID(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | const char* ulocale_getRegion(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | const char* ulocale_getScript(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | const char* ulocale_getVariant(const ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | int32_t ulocale_getKeywordValue(const ULocale*, const char*, int32_t, char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | int32_t ulocale_getUnicodeKeywordValue(const ULocale*, const char*, int32_t, char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocale.h | void ulocale_close(ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | ULocale* ulocbld_buildULocale(ULocaleBuilder*, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | ULocaleBuilder* ulocbld_open() | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | bool ulocbld_copyErrorTo(const ULocaleBuilder*, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | int32_t ulocbld_buildLanguageTag(ULocaleBuilder*, char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | int32_t ulocbld_buildLocaleID(ULocaleBuilder*, char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_adoptULocale(ULocaleBuilder*, ULocale*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_clear(ULocaleBuilder*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_clearExtensions(ULocaleBuilder*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_close(ULocaleBuilder*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setExtension(ULocaleBuilder*, char, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setLanguage(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setLanguageTag(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setLocale(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setRegion(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setScript(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
ulocbuilder.h | void ulocbld_setVariant(ULocaleBuilder*, const char*, int32_t) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
unorm2.h | const UNormalizer2* unorm2_getNFKCSimpleCasefoldInstance(UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uspoof.h | icu::UnicodeString& uspoof_getBidiSkeletonUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker*, UBiDiDirection, const icu::UnicodeString&, icu::UnicodeString&, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uspoof.h | int32_t uspoof_getBidiSkeleton(const USpoofChecker*, UBiDiDirection, const UChar*, int32_t, UChar*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uspoof.h | int32_t uspoof_getBidiSkeletonUTF8(const USpoofChecker*, UBiDiDirection, const char*, int32_t, char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uspoof.h | uint32_t uspoof_areBidiConfusable(const USpoofChecker*, UBiDiDirection, const UChar*, int32_t, const UChar*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uspoof.h | uint32_t uspoof_areBidiConfusableUTF8(const USpoofChecker*, UBiDiDirection, const char*, int32_t, const char*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
uspoof.h | uint32_t uspoof_areBidiConfusableUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker*, UBiDiDirection, const icu::UnicodeString&, const icu::UnicodeString&, UErrorCode*) | (missing) | Draft ICU 74 |
File | API | ICU 73 | ICU 74 |
calendar.h | bool icu::Calendar::inTemporalLeapYear(UErrorCode&) const | Draft ICU 73 |
calendar.h | const char* icu::Calendar::getTemporalMonthCode(UErrorCode&) const | Draft ICU 73 |
calendar.h | void icu::Calendar::setTemporalMonthCode(const char*, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
measfmt.h | void icu::MeasureFormat::parseObject(const UnicodeString&, Formattable&, ParsePosition&) const | Draft ICU 53 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit icu::MeasureUnit::getBeaufort() | Draft ICU 73 |
measunit.h | static MeasureUnit* icu::MeasureUnit::createBeaufort(UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
numfmt.h | enum icu::NumberFormat::ERoundingMode::kRoundHalfCeiling | Draft ICU 73 |
numfmt.h | enum icu::NumberFormat::ERoundingMode::kRoundHalfFloor | Draft ICU 73 |
numfmt.h | enum icu::NumberFormat::ERoundingMode::kRoundHalfOdd | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | FormattedNumber icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::format(SimpleNumber, UErrorCode&) const | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | FormattedNumber icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::formatInt64(int64_t, UErrorCode&) const | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | SimpleNumber& icu::number::SimpleNumber::operator=(SimpleNumber&&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | SimpleNumberFormatter& icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::operator=(SimpleNumberFormatter&&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | icu::number::SimpleNumber::SimpleNumber()=default | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | icu::number::SimpleNumber::SimpleNumber(SimpleNumber&&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | icu::number::SimpleNumber::~SimpleNumber() | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::SimpleNumberFormatter()=default | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::SimpleNumberFormatter(SimpleNumberFormatter&&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::~SimpleNumberFormatter() | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | static SimpleNumber icu::number::SimpleNumber::forInt64(int64_t, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | static SimpleNumberFormatter icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::forLocale(const icu::Locale&, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | static SimpleNumberFormatter icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::forLocaleAndGroupingStrategy(const icu::Locale&, UNumberGroupingStrategy, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | static SimpleNumberFormatter icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::forLocaleAndSymbolsAndGroupingStrategy(const icu::Locale&, const DecimalFormatSymbols&, UNumberGroupingStrategy, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | void icu::number::SimpleNumber::multiplyByPowerOfTen(int32_t, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | void icu::number::SimpleNumber::roundTo(int32_t, UNumberFormatRoundingMode, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | void icu::number::SimpleNumber::setMinimumFractionDigits(uint32_t, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | void icu::number::SimpleNumber::setMinimumIntegerDigits(uint32_t, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | void icu::number::SimpleNumber::setSign(USimpleNumberSign, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
simplenumberformatter.h | void icu::number::SimpleNumber::truncateStart(uint32_t, UErrorCode&) | Draft ICU 73 |
ucal.h | enum UCalendarDateFields::UCAL_ORDINAL_MONTH | Draft ICU 73 |
uregex.h | enum URegexpFlag::UREGEX_CANON_EQ | Draft ICU 2.4 |
uset.h | enum (anonymous)::USET_SIMPLE_CASE_INSENSITIVE | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | USimpleNumber* usnum_openForInt64(int64_t, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | USimpleNumberFormatter* usnumf_openForLocale(const char*, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | USimpleNumberFormatter* usnumf_openForLocaleAndGroupingStrategy(const char*, UNumberGroupingStrategy, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | enum USimpleNumberSign::UNUM_SIMPLE_NUMBER_MINUS_SIGN | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | enum USimpleNumberSign::UNUM_SIMPLE_NUMBER_NO_SIGN | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | enum USimpleNumberSign::UNUM_SIMPLE_NUMBER_PLUS_SIGN | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_close(USimpleNumber*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_multiplyByPowerOfTen(USimpleNumber*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_roundTo(USimpleNumber*, int32_t, UNumberFormatRoundingMode, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_setMinimumFractionDigits(USimpleNumber*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_setMinimumIntegerDigits(USimpleNumber*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_setSign(USimpleNumber*, USimpleNumberSign, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_setToInt64(USimpleNumber*, int64_t, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnum_truncateStart(USimpleNumber*, int32_t, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnumf_close(USimpleNumberFormatter*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnumf_format(const USimpleNumberFormatter*, USimpleNumber*, UFormattedNumber*, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
usimplenumberformatter.h | void usnumf_formatInt64(const USimpleNumberFormatter*, int64_t, UFormattedNumber*, UErrorCode*) | Draft ICU 73 |
Contents generated by StableAPI tool on Mon Oct 02 17:50:42 PDT 2023
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