This patch adds:
Default values for the contact matrix, susceptibility matrix, and susceptibility distribution matrix to allow quick estimates of final size for a given \(R_0\) in a population with homogeneous mixing and full susceptibility (#180);
Combines the documentation for the functions r_eff()
, r0_to_lambda()
, and lambda_to_r0()
under the name ‘r0_conversions’;
Adds vignettes on the theoretical background and on projecting re-emergence of a disease due to demographic turnover (#193, #194 by @adamkucharski);
Streamlines the examples in the Readme;
Replaces the PNG logo in the Readme with an SVG version;
Updates the GitHub Actions workflow YAMLs, the .lintr
config file, _pkgdown.yml
, .Rbuildignore
; workflows and configuration files bring the package in line with {packagetemplate} (#181, #186, #188).
Standardises the DESCRIPTION
Adds package-level documentation.
Adds spellchecking and the WORDLIST
Adds tools to check that the package does not modify the global state, code to flag any partial matching of function arguments,.
Updates references cited in the vignettes.
This is the second release of finalsize, and includes:
into headers under inst/include/
called finalsize.h
, which allows other Rcpp packages to link to finalsize and reuse the solver algorithms provided here.Readme.Rmd
uses auto-rendering of the package and repository name to
via an updated render-readme
Github Actions
file to track changes to the package.Initial release of finalsize, an R package to calculate the final size of an epidemic in a population with demographic variation in social contacts and in susceptibility to infection.
This release includes: